BRO Down – August 2024

BRO Down – July 2024

BRO Down – January 2024

Whiter, Brighter, Happier: Unleash Your Confident Smile with Teeth Whitening

A confident smile shines in any room. It’s a reflection of one’s self-esteem and often the first thing people notice. While many elements make a beautiful smile, the brightness and cleanliness of one’s teeth are essential. Over time, our teeth can lose their natural shine for various reasons. Fortunately, teeth whitening procedures can restore that radiant look.

Where Do Teeth Stains Come From?

Every day, our teeth get exposed to various substances that can discolor them. Food and drinks, such as coffee, tea, and berries, can stain the teeth’s surface. But beyond dietary choices, other factors like smoking, aging, certain medications, and even genetics can influence the color of our teeth.

Types of Teeth Stains

Stains on teeth are typically placed into two categories:

Extrinsic Stains: These stains on the enamel layer of the teeth are often caused by foods, beverages, or smoking. Professional cleanings can usually remove these stains.

Intrinsic Stains: These stains are present inside the tooth and are caused by various factors such as medications, trauma, or excessive fluoride use during childhood. These stains are more difficult to remove than extrinsic stains and require professional treatment.

The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products

While there are countless products available for teeth whitening at home, ranging from whitening toothpaste to strips, they come with their own set of risks. Some of these include:

  • Uneven Whitening: Over-the-counter products might not provide uniform whitening, leading to patchy results.
  • Gum Irritation: These products can irritate the gums or cause burns if not used correctly.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: The chemicals in these products can increase sensitivity, especially if overused.
  • Ineffective Results: In many cases, these products can’t address deeper stains, leading to unsatisfactory outcomes.

Professional Teeth Whitening at Blue Ridge Orthodontics

If you’re considering teeth whitening, turning to professionals is the safest and most effective choice. At Blue Ridge Orthodontics, we provide:

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Our experts assess your teeth’s color and condition and then tailor a whitening plan for you.
  • Safe Procedures: We use tested and safe procedures that ensure the health of your teeth and gums remain uncompromised.
  • Effective Results: With professional equipment and expertise, we can address extrinsic and intrinsic stains, offering a brighter and more consistent result.
  • Post-Treatment Guidance: After the procedure, our team provides guidance on maintaining your bright smile and addressing any potential sensitivity.

How To Maintain Your Bright Smile

Once you’ve achieved that dazzling smile, it’s essential to maintain it. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly for cleanings to remove surface stains and keep your teeth healthy.
  • Mind Your Diet: Reduce consumption of staining foods and beverages. If you indulge, consider using a straw or rinsing your mouth afterward.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking not only stains your teeth but has multiple health risks.
  • Use a Whitening Toothpaste: While these don’t provide dramatic results, they can help maintain the brightness achieved after a professional teeth whitening procedure.
  • Follow Good Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss daily.

Blue Ridge Orthodontics

If you’re ready to show off a brighter, whiter, and more confident smile, reach out to the experts at Blue Ridge Orthodontics. We prioritize your dental health while ensuring you achieve your desired aesthetic results. Call our office at 828-585-6045 and schedule an appointment today.

BROR Monthly Special

Debunking Myths about Wisdom Teeth and Braces


Wisdom teeth are third molars located at the back of the mouth that were once essential but are now rendered unnecessary due to improved dental health and dietary changes. Myths surrounding wisdom teeth and orthodontic treatment abound, leading to excessive worry and expense. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone requires wisdom teeth removal, even when braces are necessary. This article aims to debunk prevailing myths and illuminate the truth.

Myth: Wisdom Teeth Must be Extracted Before Braces

F A C T Orthodontists evaluate wisdom teeth before treatment. Removal may be recommended if there isn’t enough space for them to erupt. However, if there is sufficient room, the orthodontist may suggest monitoring them during treatment. Reasons for removal include repeated gum infections, decay affecting adjacent teeth, irreparable decay, infections or cysts, and pain caused by wisdom teeth.

Myth: If Wisdom Teeth Erupt After Braces, You Should Panic

F A C T After investing in braces, it’s natural to be cautious about your teeth. While it’s important to schedule a check-up with your orthodontist after noticing wisdom teeth eruption, there’s no need for immediate panic. If you diligently wear your retainers as advised, the slight pressure exerted by wisdom teeth on surrounding teeth can be effectively countered. Wearing the retainer until the next appointment ensures that your teeth maintain proper alignment and position.

Myth: Braces Aren’t Considered for Impacted Wisdom Teeth

F A C T Braces can effectively treat impacted teeth, although not in every case. Sometimes, an orthodontist can create space or use braces to reposition an impacted tooth. However, limited jaw space can make it challenging to accommodate impacted wisdom teeth, often necessitating their removal due to lack of space. Even when braces cannot be applied directly to an impacted tooth, they can help reposition adjacent teeth affected by the impaction. By realigning these teeth, braces can restore proper alignment and reduce the risk associated with exposed roots.

Myth: After Braces, There’s No Need to Worry About Wisdom Teeth

F A C T Wisdom teeth typically emerge between ages 17 and 25, often after orthodontic treatment. It is a misconception to assume that braces automatically create space for wisdom teeth. In many cases, the jaw may not have sufficient length to accommodate these teeth. Patients who have completed orthodontic treatment should continue regular check-ups to monitor the progress of their wisdom teeth. If the wisdom teeth erupt, they can cause overcrowding and compromise the results achieved through braces. You can preserve the hard-earned progress toward a perfect smile by staying vigilant.

Myth: Wisdom Teeth Can’t Be Extracted While Wearing Braces

F A C T It is possible to have wisdom teeth removed during orthodontic treatment. Your orthodontist may recommend extracting the teeth and will coordinate with your dentist or oral surgeon to carry out the extractions. The timing will depend on individual circumstances and treatment needs before, during, or after braces. The coordination between orthodontic and dental professionals ensures the smooth progression of your orthodontic journey while addressing wisdom teeth concerns.


Blue Ridge Orthodontics
Are you seeking the perfect smile? Blue Ridge Orthodontics can help. After a thorough examination, we can develop a treatment plan to give you the dazzling smile you desire. Contact us at 828-537-5338 and schedule an appointment today.

BROR Monthly Special

Braces-Safe Holiday Food Guide


With the holidays quickly approaching, the opportunity to indulge in popular holiday foods is also getting closer. Holiday foods can be hard to turn down, but some of these staple treats can cause unwanted difficulties with braces. So what holiday foods are braces-safe and which treats should you skip until you get your hardware off?

As your Western NC orthodontic specialists, Blue Ridge Orthodontics is excited to provide you with a braces-safe and non-safe holiday food guide so that you can plan ahead and enjoy this fun-filled time. Here is your comprehensive guide of foods to enjoy or avoid during the holiday season:

Braces-Safe Holiday Drinks

  • Eggnog
  • Apple Cider
  • Hot Chocolate

Braces-Safe Holiday Main Course

  • Soft Cheeses
  • Fresh Fruits
  • Pigs in a Blanket
  • Dips (Spinach Dip, Hummus, Etc.)
  • Turkey
  • Ham
  • Soft-Cooked Fish
  • Mash Potatoes
  • Baked Sweet Potatoes
  • Candied Yams
  • Stuffing (Without Nuts)
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Casseroles
  • Cooked/Soft Vegetables
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Mac and Cheese
  • Biscuits 

Braces-Safe Holiday Desserts

  • Pie (Without Nuts)
  • Cake or Brownies (Without Nuts)
  • Soft Cookies
  • Cheesecakes

As you can see, there are many holiday favorites that you can enjoy while wearing braces! However, there are still some holiday treats you should avoid. Here are a few holiday snacks you should steer clear of while wearing your braces:

Non-Safe Holiday Foods for Braces

  • Candy Canes
  • Hard Candies
  • Crunchy Cookies
  • Caramel Apples
  • Peanut Brittle
  • Nuts
  • Caramel Corn
  • Raw Veggies
  • Meat on the Bone
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Anything with Nuts 
  • Hard Dinner Rolls
  • Pecan Pie
  • Brownies with Nuts

It is important to take care of your smile over the holidays with many tempting treats around. While there are a few items you should steer clear of, for now, just remember that soon you will be able to enjoy all of these tasty treats with your beautiful, straight, and healthy smile designed by Blue Ridge Orthodontics. Check out our other braces-safe snack guide. For any questions regarding how we can help you through your journey to a bright and healthy smile, check here for more info


Invisalign®: Things You Should Know


Nearly everyone has some orthodontic alignment issue. These issues can be the result of genetics or lifestyle. While most misalignments don’t require correction, some do, such as crowding, impacted teeth, or other uncomfortable ailments.

Corrective Orthodontics

Wire braces were the most common form of teeth straightening until recent decades. Braces can work wonders, but in the early 90s, aligners were created to serve the same purpose. Some orthodontists will still recommend wire braces in specific scenarios, but overall, Invisalign aligners have become very popular. Not only are they virtually invisible, but they take less time to correct some orthodontic issues.

What are Aligners?

Aligners are a set of transparent, plastic orthodontic devices that are molded to fit over one’s teeth and used to correct their alignment. The aligners progressively shift the teeth using gentle force. They are available for all ages. So let’s look at what using aligners is like.

Wearing Aligners

To get the desired results, aligners must be worn for 22 hours daily. These convenient teeth-straightening tools are removable for eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, etc., but must be reinserted when done. The most prominent problem orthodontists encounter with aligners is self-discipline. Therefore, if you choose Invisalign, make sure you are prepared to wear your aligners for the suggested time.


Aligners are shifting your teeth into a new place, so naturally, there will be pressure. After your initial set, you will be changing your aligner trays bi-weekly. Your teeth will become accustomed to the shifting, and you won’t notice the pressure as much.

Oral Hygiene

Unlike traditional braces, aligners make it easy to keep up with oral hygiene and maintenance. You can still brush, floss, and whiten your teeth as usual.

As far as maintaining your aligners, it’s simple. Brush them just as you do your teeth, at least once daily. Use non-abrasive cleaner or toothpaste; you could even purchase the brands explicitly made for aligners. Also, take into account the importance of your final retainer, which will keep your teeth in the desired position you worked so hard to achieve.

Treatment Time Frame

Also, as mentioned, there is a possibility that invisible aligners can reduce your treatment time. This may not be the case with more severe cases, but as far as simple straightening, you can see results fairly quickly and sometimes even wrap up your treatments within a year.

Blue Ridge Orthodontics

Are you concerned about your teeth alignment? Blue Ridge Orthodontics can help. We can evaluate your teeth, discuss your concerns, and then develop a treatment plan to make the corrections needed, including using Invisalign aligners. Contact our office at 828-537-5363 and schedule an appointment.

BROR Monthly Special

How to Know if Your Child Should See an Orthodontist


If your child has good dental hygiene habits, you may think they are safe from needing braces or aligners. However, over four million people in the U.S. wear braces, approximately 75% of whom are children under 18. This article will discuss when a child needs to visit an orthodontist and how the orthodontist analyzes the problem.

When Should a Child See an Orthodontist?

Several signs may show that a child needs to see an orthodontist. Some of the most common issues are:

  • Crowding or spacing of teeth
  • Overbite or underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Open bite
  • Teeth that are protruding
  • Teeth that aren’t aligned properly
  • Difficulty biting or chewing
  • Speech problems
  • Breathing issues

An orthodontist can assess your child’s dental and facial growth and suggest the best approaches to addressing any issues.

How an Orthodontist Diagnose a Child’s Dental Problems

An orthodontist diagnoses a child’s dental problems through a comprehensive examination. During the consultation, the orthodontist checks the child’s teeth, jaw, and facial structure to determine if anything is problematic or needs to be cared for.

This process may include taking X-rays, photographs, and teeth impressions. After the examination, the orthodontist provides a customized treatment plan for the child’s needs. Then, the child’s progress must be monitored and checked to ensure the treatment works correctly.

At What Age Should Children Visit an Orthodontist?

Children should generally have their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. This may seem young, but it’s essential to catch any potential orthodontic issues early on while the child’s jaw and teeth are still developing.

At this age, the orthodontist can assess the child’s bite and jaw growth patterns to determine if any problems may require intervention. Early detection and treatment can often prevent more serious issues from developing later.

Benefits of Early Orthodontic Care for Children

Early orthodontic care for children can have numerous benefits. Primarily, it helps the orthodontist detect potential problems before they become severe, saving time and money and preventing discomfort in the future.

Here are some potential benefits of early orthodontic care for children:

  • Improved tooth and jaw alignment
  • Reduced risk of tooth decay and gum disease
  • Improved speech development
  • Better chewing and digestion
  • Enhanced facial aesthetics and self-esteem
  • Avoidance of more invasive and expensive treatments later in life

Blue Ridge Orthodontics

For more information on pediatric orthodontics, contact Blue Ridge Orthodontics. We provide care for all ages. Contact us at 828-585-6045 and schedule an appointment today.

BROR Monthly Special

Teeth Whitening: Is it Better at Home or the Orthodontist Office?

Nowadays, there are many things that you can do on your own. With the internet, we live in the age of DIY. Some DIY products even boast that they can do as good of a job as professionals or better. While we can’t speak for every DIY product in every field, we can tell you that in-office teeth whitening will always be better than an at-home teeth whitening kit.

Teeth Whitening Benefits

Noticeable Results After Just One Appointment

First, you should whiten your teeth at Blue Ridge Orthodontics instead of at home because you will see results right after your appointment. We use Phillips Zoom Whitening products and White Speed Light-Activated Whitening System to whiten patients’ teeth in around two hours. While most DIY methods and products tell you to expect results within two to three weeks, we will encourage you to look in the mirror directly after your appointment.

Better Results that Last Longer

A DIY method or product doesn’t provide an actual professional to look at your teeth to determine if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening. We offer a free consultation with an orthodontist to make sure your teeth are in good condition before moving forward. Examining your teeth before whitening is crucial because we want the best possible results.

Most whitening products and methods whiten the surface of your teeth. While surface whitening is excellent, it doesn’t target the discoloration inside your teeth. Our teeth whitening methods work better and last longer because they penetrate within your teeth. Zoom whitening also has a higher whitening percentage than over-the-counter products which is why it must be handled with care in our office.

An extra perk of completing your zoom whitening treatment at BRO is that we include a set of retainers and a whitening syringe in your take-home kit! This gives you the option to further whiten your smile after your treatment. We also include a sensitivity relief gel in your take-home kit to help with any post-treatment sensitivity.

Less Risk of Damaging Your Teeth

Arguably the best benefit of coming to our office for teeth whitening is the insured safety. DIY methods such as hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda can cause damage to your teeth. Also, people using these methods without supervision can suffer from increased teeth sensitivity.

We understand that the biggest reason for using DIY methods and products is budget, but we encourage you to save until you can visit us! Our teeth whitening methods use the latest technology to brighten your smile in around two hours. We want you to stay safe and smile with great teeth, so make your teeth whitening appointment today!

BROR Monthly Special