
BRO News

Woman with braces covered by dental insurance

Dental Insurance & Braces – What You Need To Know

Achieving (and maintaining) tip-top oral health is a significant investment. It’s rare for major medical insurance plans to feature dental coverage, and those that do will surely find a way to work the cost into your premiums. If you're reading…
Person getting teeth whitened after braces in Asheville

Best Way To Whiten Teeth After Braces

The feeling you have after getting your braces removed is one of a kind. It’s such a relief knowing that treatment is over and your teeth have moved into proper alignment. You finally have the smile you’ve always wanted, plus it’s hard…
Person getting teeth whitened after braces in Asheville

Step by Step Guide to Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “Invisalign cleaning crystals”? If you ask us, they sound dazzling, perhaps even a bit mystical! Okay, okay.... in reality, cleaning crystals may not be as mystical as they sound, but they…

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